Sunday, September 27, 2015

Golden Waltz - 金 之 华 尔 滋 (jīn zhī huá ěr zī)

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Note:  None of the music, songs  and dances are owned by any of us.  We are just a group of dance enthusiasts, practising the steps that we learnt from professional Choreographers featured in commercialised DVDs.   Thankful for all the choreographers.

This is the 14th video.  Thank so much to CCN for taking the time to take these videos.

拍 手 (pāishǒu)

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Note:  None of the music, songs  and dances are owned by any of us.  We are just a group of dance enthusiasts, practising the steps that we learnt from professional Choreographers featured in commercialised DVDs.   Thankful for all the choreographers.

This is the 13th video.

花 落 櫻 桃 (huāluò yīngtáo), Hanadaga Ondo

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Note:  None of the music, songs  and dances are owned by any of us.  We are just a group of dance enthusiasts, practising the steps that we learnt from professional Choreographers featured in commercialised DVDs.   Thankful for all the choreographers.

This is the 12th video.

青 年 人 的 心 声 (qīngniánrén de xīnshēng)

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Note:  None of the music, songs  and dances are owned by any of us.  We are just a group of dance enthusiasts, practising the steps that we learnt from professional Choreographers featured in commercialised DVDs.   Thankful for all the choreographers.

This is the 11th video.

森 巴 (Sēn bā), Samba

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Note:  None of the music, songs  and dances are owned by any of us.  We are just a group of dance enthusiasts, practising the steps that we learnt from professional Choreographers featured in commercialised DVDs.   Thankful for all the choreographers.

This is the 10th video.

花 落 时 Rumba (huāluò shí Rumba)

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Note:  None of the music, songs  and dances are owned by any of us.  We are just a group of dance enthusiasts, practising the steps that we learnt from professional Choreographers featured in commercialised DVDs.   Thankful for all the choreographers.

This is the 9th video.

随 缘 (suíyuán)

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Note:  None of the music, songs  and dances are owned by any of us.  We are just a group of dance enthusiasts, practising the steps that we learnt from professional Choreographers featured in commercialised DVDs.   Thankful for all the choreographers.

This is the 8th video.

姐 姐 妹 妹 站 起 来 (jiějie mèimei zhànqǐlái)

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Note:  None of the music, songs  and dances are owned by any of us.  We are just a group of dance enthusiasts, practising the steps that we learnt from professional Choreographers featured in commercialised DVDs.   Thankful for all the choreographers.

This is the 7th video.

巴 黎 岛 之 恋 (Bālí dǎo zhī liàn)

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Note:  None of the music, songs  and dances are owned by any of us.  We are just a group of dance enthusiasts, practising the steps that we learnt from professional Choreographers featured in commercialised DVDs.   Thankful for all the choreographers.

This is the 6th video.

团 扇 迎 春 (tuánshàn yíngchūn )

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Note:  None of the music, songs and dances are owned by any of us.  We are just a group of dance enthusiasts, practising the steps that we learnt from professional Choreographers featured in commercialised DVDs.   Thankful for all the choreographers.

This is the 5th video.

黃 昏 小 唱 (Huánghūn xiǎo chàng)

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Note:  None of the music, songs and dances are owned by any of us.  We are just a group of dance enthusiasts, practising the steps that we learnt from professional Choreographers featured in commercialised DVDs.   Thankful for all the choreographers.

This is the 4th video.

望 一 望 (wàng yī wàng)

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Note:  None of the music, songs and dances are owned by any of us.  We are just a group of dance enthusiasts, practising the steps that we learnt from professional Choreographers featured in commercialised DVDs.   Thankful for all the choreographers.

This is the 3rd video.

杜 鹃 花 (dùjuānhuā)

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Note:  None of the music, songs and dances are owned by any of us.  We are just a group of dance enthusiasts, practising the steps that we learnt from professional Choreographers featured in commercialised DVDs.   Thankful for all the choreographers.

This is the 2nd video.

无 情 的 你 (wúqíng de nǐ)

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Note:  None of the music, songs and dances are owned by any of us.  We are just a group of dance enthusiasts, practising the steps that we learnt from professional Choreographers featured in commercialised DVDs.   Thankful for all the choreographers.

Out of the blues, I felt like posting the videos of  our practices in my blog.   So I am going start with this one first.