Friday, January 27, 2006

Dancing at the Foochow Association

1 May to 5 December 2002

This was not as relaxing as we were at the Bukit Padang park. There, it was only for 6 hrs per week of morning exercise but here it was more than just exercise. There were functions that we are obligated to perform. Most of the ladies were mothers who were full time homekeepers and so they were able to come on any other days to practise and to perfect their movements when their husbands and children have gone to work and schools. And they don't mind putting extra time and effort. They enjoyed it and at the same time improved themselves.

Their first exposure was the social integration with the Miri Che Sing Khor Moral Uplifting Society. Their knowledge and skill were further enhanced by a friend from Miri who came and taught us new dances for a week in September. They improved their confidence when they performed 2 dances at the dual celebration of Mother and Father's Day on the 8 June, 2 dances at the Mooncake Festival on the 20 September and 1 dance at the 20 anniversary of the Foochow Association on the 29 November. The ladies also presented 3 dances at the KK Mandarin Toastmasters' Installation Banquet for the year 2002 on the 10 August.

The 2 highlights of the year was the social integration with the Lawas dance group on the 25 November, followed with another social integration (and also the last event for the year) with the Bintulu dance group on the 5 December.

A Chinese folk dance "Angel Dream"

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