Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Likas Galaxy 1st Anniversary - 2006

Saturday, 1 April 2006

The Likas Galaxy dance group celebrated their 1st anniversary this morning, at their place of practice (Likas Antarabangsa hall). It was not as big as the Luyang hall but it was cosy enough for the people who gathered there.

Everyone danced together (the Likas Galaxy and their guests from the Likas Tai Chi)

An umbrella dance, presented by the Likas Galaxy.

Makan (eating) time!

Games time! Let us see which team can make-up most beautifully. There were 2 'customers' in each team. Each team member was only allowed to touch on one feature of the face. Someone would draw the eyebrow, another would apply the lipstick, another would apply the eyeshadow, power the face, etc. etc.

The Beauties!

Another game. Pass the bubbles and see who collects the most bubbles!

And another game. Let us see who completes the jigjaw puzzle first!

The overall winner team and a present (plastic clips) for everyone!

This was an impromptu game. The teacher feeding one of her students, blindfolded!

It was a wonderful morning. We all had a good time!

A picture with the teacher, Lee Hong.

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